Terry Myerson, the EVP of Operating System at Microsoft at Microsoft’s Ignite Conference in Chicago was blasting Google about the lack of security in their systems. This was, obviously, meant for Android since that is the only operating system of Google, which has security leaks.
Microsoft VS Google in Security
If you ask for my opinion these are pretty interesting news, which you won’t get daily. Microsoft is criticizing Google about security. Two big companies on the stage against each other in a quite important topic, which could affect all end users if the companies decide to implement changes in the topic.
Let’s see in why Terry Myerson could said those things about Android and what he said. The statement was this: “Google takes no responsibility to update customer devices and refuses to take responsibility to update their devices, leaving end users and businesses increasingly exposed every day they use an Android device.” With this statement, Microsoft is saying that their operating systems or their upcoming OS, the Microsoft 10 will be better in security than Google’s Android. It is not clearly said in this statement, however, this is both a marketing and an anti-marketing campaign for Microsoft, since as they are planning to release their brand new Windows 10 operating system, which they are hyping all across the world. They are both criticizing Google, one of their major competitors on several markets and they are both praising themselves and their new OS.
If this statement by one of Microsoft’s employees is being examined from a business or a marketing viewpoint, I would say then that what Myerson did here was ingenious. He created a base for the company’s new Windows platform among people by showing off the operating system’s main functions, which is security, and they did this without people suspecting that the company is marketing their product with this statement. What is even better for Microsoft that they did anti-marketing for Google in one sentence by declaring that the owner of the Android operating system is not caring about their customers? They also blame the security of the software.
The statement could be a good move from Microsoft, however, the mistake that all companies seem to make about Google, that the latter firm employs the one of the most educated and creative staff all over the world, so I don’t really think that there will be no retribution from Google’s side. The company will most probably do something that will decrease Microsoft’s reputation, which is a pretty easy job since Microsoft has made several mistakes in the past. I don’t know what will happen, but we will see in the future!
Microsoft Windows and Security
Terry Myerson has been blasting Google about Android’s security but is Microsoft’s Windows that secure? Of course not! The current versions of Windows (Windows 8 and 8.1) are moderately secure, they can be used without an anti-virus or an anti-spyware program, however, it could be possible that your computer that is running Microsoft’s OS could be infected by a virus or controlled by a spyware. The older versions of Windows were even worse. Do you remember Windows XP? Not the Service Pack 3 version, but the other, previous ones. That operating system couldn’t be used without an anti-virus system installed first on the computer. As you have opened an internet browser several viruses were trying to come to your computer and infect your files. Microsoft was not so famous for its reliability. Just remember the infamous Windows Vista. It was clearly Microsoft’s biggest mistake. They didn’t even care about making the OS better, they just released Windows 7 instead, since the OS was so broke.
The Security Updates in Windows 10
Microsoft is promising that their new OS, the Windows 10, will come with several new security updates that will make the operating system a hundred percent secure. It would be a pretty cool thing to do from Microsoft’s side, however, I’m quite skeptical about this. Microsoft was not caring about their customers for nearly a decade. Yes, the staff has changed since then and the company is trying to do a face change. However, this doesn’t make them more reliable in my eyes, but let’s see what will happen in the future!
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