There are so many things that we take for granted in life and one of these is light. The other is the natural beauty that surrounds us that often goes unnoticed. In order to bring more recognition to these gifts of life, a product has been produced call Glowscenes.
The Concept Of Glowscenes
Every day we are exposed to various types of light. More often than not it is artificial light like what is found in our homes and workplaces. Getting to and back from these establishments does allow us some exposure to the natural light that nature provides us with, but often we miss out on all the different aspects of this. Partly, because we are in such a hurry to get where we are going that we don’t pay much attention to this wonderful natural lighting, that has so many potential benefits to it that we are not taking advantage of.
Glowscenes seems to be a solution for the many people that don’t get to enjoy the personal benefits of light. This is a lighting product that has been created to generate a warm soothing atmosphere that can be enjoyed by anyone at any time they chose.
How Does Glowscenes Work?
Glowscenes allows the user of this product the ability to infuse a room with wonderful shades of colors that one would be able to enjoy if they were watching the setting of the sun. The Glowscene device that allows one to do this is simple to use and it can be used in any indoor setting. It can be used in any room of the house or business.
It is a simple but beautiful unit that is quality made. It shows a scene of nature that is then lit with a myriad of wonderful colors of nature.
The Technology Of Glowscenes
It is a small 5” by 2.3”W by 5.25” H block of black walnut wood that has been cured with butcher block oil to extend its quality and longevity. The internal components of comprised of 72 LED bright lights that are able to emit their light through acrylic that has been laser cut and etched to allow for clarity.
The user of Glowscenes will enjoy the multiple color modes and the ability to set the brightness level with 250 options. Throughout the course of the operation of Glowscenes the colors change at 6 different speeds and the user has the ability to choice which of these they want when the unit is in sunset mode. The other modes are Solid white and the primary colors. No worries about batteries either because Glowscenes works off 5 v wall power.
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The Benefits of Glowscenes
The best way to use Glowscenes so you can appreciate its full benefits is to dim the lights and have Glowscenes placed in the room where you can comfortably see it. Just by watching Glowscenes go through its multiple sequences are going to immediately give you a sense of enjoyment as relaxation begins to flow over you. The colors and the sequencing of the lights are mesmerizing.
Even if you don’t have the time to sit and watch Glowscenes, just its presence in any room that it is used in is going to create a warm and soothing environment.
It definitely is a stress reliever and a relaxer all in one. It also allows one to build a new realization about the power and beauty of natural color like those that are found in a rainbow or the setting sun. When using Glowscenes it is almost like bringing a little bit of nature’s beauty indoors.
It would be a wonderful piece of décor to use in a youngster’s room who may have difficulty falling asleep at night. It is soothing and as the young one gazes at it they will likely fall into a fitful sleep as the colors intrigue yet relax them.