It is apparent that for people or users using small screen devices, it is often difficult to navigate through the internet due to the high amount of adverts present at a go.
This is a challenge that many browsers have and this is the main reason for the development of the ad blocker. Google Chrome aims to offer android platform users a newer and better user experience in the future.
This indicates the levels that business and technological companies are willing to go to ensure customer convenience and user friendliness of their browsers and applications.
The new Google Chrome Ad Blocker is aimed at ensuring an improved and advanced upgrade to your current version of Google Chrome.
Since Adverts can sometimes be distracting, the updated version of Chrome has banished them from sight especially when using smaller devices such as mobile phones or iPads.
Furthermore, it provides a simplified and easier means of remaining on target when browsing.
Chrome Canary
This is the latest model of Google Chrome update that is set with the Ad Blocking Settings. This experimental version or model has inbuilt settings for blocking unwanted websites or sites that have been deemed as intrusive for the user.
The setting is able to block ads from things like pop up message ads, automatic play videos that can be a headache for many, interstitials among others. These are just but some of the ads that disturb an individual as you browse the internet using your mobile phone.
The Ad Blocker has been made to be a default setting for the latest Google Chrome software update build. The default settings are to ensure that no more ads that are undesired by the user or the search browser will be popping up on your screen.
In addition, this is a bold move by Google as other third party companies had already taken into the platform and providing the service for their users. Popularity of the Ad Blocker is definitely taking a turn, I believe for the better for all mobile users across the world.
Chrome Canary Ad Blocker Existence
Well, it is difficult to make a conclusion in regards to the usability of the ad blocking settings if you haven’t tried the real thing. Therefore, it is better to download the Chrome Canary model build to ensure that it really exists and that it works.
Mashable to the initiative to download the build after Tech Crunch spotted it to ensure its workability and essentiality. If up to it, you can also have a copy for yourself by downloading the newly updated version of Google Chrome from Google Store or Play.
Once installed, go to Site Settings and open the tabs labeled Ads. All of them appear with several choices if not already marked ranging from Always, Ask First and Blocked from notifications to Google translate and others like pop up ads that are automatically blocked.
Building Ad Blocker
This was not quite a surprising move but one that has long been awaited for by many of the browsers users. However, Google offered a teaser for the same in April of this year.
The teaser claimed that Google had taken the step and was about to surprise many ad companies by placing a blocker on their browsers for mobile device users.
This is a move that is definitely bound to offer the search giant all of the power of internet browsing adverts and subsequently more browsing power than ever before. Well, it might be a loss for the ad companies, but for me as a user, it is a definite gain and a streamlined experience all the way.
Apple is also taking the steps towards ensuring better user experience. It has finally decided to block automatic play videos and blocking the ad tracking technologies that have been embedded onto their browser i.e. Safari Mobile Browser Platform.
The native Ad Blocker on Google is still on the updated version of the Chrome i.e. Canary Chrome. We know that it is aimed for use by mobile users, but the platform is not yet available for consumer consumption.
Chrome version for android users is bound to take a while before it is achieved. It is our hope that once it is done, we can also see the platform being developed for other platforms including iOS.
Keeping in contact and continuously updated one our website will offer you the chance and opportunity to know and use the Chrome Canary Version with the Ad Blocker once it is available for use.
Also Read: Google Chrome’s Mobile App Makes Copy & Paste Easier than Ever Before
It is apparent that the users or customers, in this case, are taking the first priority with the new block ads settings. However, what many forget is that the move is also one that is very beneficial to the search companies.
The technological giants are killing two birds with a single stone by providing streamlined customer or user experiences when using their browsers and creating a business opportunity for themselves in the future. The new Google Chrome Ad Blocker is a feature that you definitely don’t want to miss no matter what!