This is a new animation skill that is responsible for making selfies more interesting. As selfies filters have become boring, this technique offers the exciting ways to help you enjoy taking selfies for your own pleasure. It uses modern technology that helps in creating rainbows on your selfies or enables you to stick a dog’s nose on your face. It is speculated that this new technique is a result of facebook’s latest push into filter game. This involves taking sample images like a bronze figure then maps it on your face while you are talking. It will then appear like a video that has no sound. It has pre-programmed video styles though it cannot allow you to change from one image to another. With this technology, we will be able to be more interested in taking selfies and making videos out for fun. Thus it will see more people having an interest in selfies than ever before.
The Group Behind This Technology
This is a technology that has been brought up by a group of scientist who are interested in artificial intelligence algorithm. This technique helps them to alter your face and make it resemble statues or painted portraits. This is a technique that will see both SnapChat and Facebook scramble for this technology. The experts behind this also ensure that the technology will help you alter your image so that it seems like it is saying something from the actual things that you spoke. The software that is responsible for these alterations is known as Sykora and it aims at human face only.
What Is Involved In Its Operations?
This is a technique that is meant to transpose a portrait, statue or painting onto the image of your face and made it repeat the words you spoke in an altered way. It uses the following:
Machine Learning
This is the identification of facial traits and then separation of both the background and foreground. This will lead to transform a simple selfies into a 3D avatar. It is a powerful and promising application that helps you create statues or painting from your image easily.
Who Benefits From This Technology?
1. Film Industry
This is where movie stars who have passed away could be made to perform again. It is made possible as this technology will use their photographs to create an avatar that speaks as him or her. The termed digital soul technology is used to help transformation and thus lead to personalized form of avatar for film industry. The technology does not necessarily mean that the dead actor will come to life but he or she can be remade using the technique as an avatar to speak as him or her. The dead characters can be brought back for more episodes or continuations of movies.
2. Family Actuation Of Personalities
This is where family members or friends take the pictures of their dead relative or avatar for re-animation and thus they are made to speak. They can also be made to act in cyberspace. Actuation of personalities will become a reality with the help of this unique technology and helps us to re-animate pictures of our dead relatives.
3. Individuals
Every person who wishes to create videos through using his or her own images for her or his personal good will find this technology helpful. You are able to transform your photographs or pictures into paintings, statue or portraits for creating a video. The avatar created will alter the words you spoke and you can send them to your friends or colleagues for fun.
4. Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram Users
The snapchat, Instagram or Facebook users will use this technology to create paintings, portraits or statue that they will share with the other users. This will help in sharing their feelings with their friends. This will see more people joining these social places to catch up with friends and as a way of spending their free time as they will find the places exciting.
5. Comedians
Comedians will find this new selfies technique an interesting way of communicating to their audience. They will be able to create videos of them out of their own pictures to pass the joke and keep you entertained. This will help them also reach more people as they can create Facebook account, join Instagram and snapchat and share their videos. They can also create videos using other people’s pictures provided they obtain their consent and create a joke for the purpose of entertainment.
Also See: Secret Twitter Communities, “Selfie Decks”
This is a new technique that actually makes you engaged, entertained and share your feeling with others. It is helpful in creating an avatar that can be used to create a character out of a dead person. This will see more people joining social media places like snap chat, Facebook and Instagram. It is a technology that is easy to use and will not trouble you in creating paintings, portraits or statues. Though this technology does not bring the dead to life again but help create characters for movie continuation.