The New Facebook Lite App Have Reached Over 200 Million Users

The New Facebook Lite App Have Reached Over 200 Million Users

Facebook launched a new app aimed at helping users with low internet connections to enjoy their social connections with others. The majority of people were not aware of the new app until when it was launched. It became the fastest app to grow and it initially obtained over a 100 million users. All the people who were lacking connection due to low band width could now have better connection on Facebook using the new app.

Low Internet Connections

People with limited internet access were faced with the challenge of sharing through Facebook. You could find someone trying to connect using the old app but it would take longer or even fail to open. This had locked out a huge number of people who are in low internet connection zones but they are willing to share on Facebook.

Low Internet Connections

After the launch of the new app, the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg posted on his wall about the new app making the public to be aware of the fastest app with low internet connection. He said the new Facebook lite app is suitable for use on people with low internet connectivity. This made it to gain popularity with the new users trying to connect and enjoy sharing even when in low band width connection zones. The new facebook app would give the user access to the core Facebook connections, such as the news feed and status update when consuming less data.


The new Fblite app is very fast and it opens the news feed and other Fb connections at a faster rate even when on are on low internet connection zone. It has spread widely and reached many regions like Israel, United Arabs Emirates and South Korea. This has made the individual who had no access to Facebook to enjoy the faster sharing using the new app. This app is very fast and has reached in new countries which could not connect on Facebook due to low internet connection. This has made Facebook to increase the number of users from 100 million to 200 million within a period of less than 9 months.

New Features

FB lite
Many people have liked the new app due to the addition of new features that they could hardly get there before. The new features has made Fb to improve the performance and gain popularity. The new features includes comment, like and share posts. This has made it to gain popularity and get more users. It uses less bundles thus saving you some cash. The app is small in size making it to occupy less space than the older apps.

The company has developed a format and lightweight, to enable it to connect with any device and give quality services to its users. It can connect to android devices, starting from 2.3 and above. This app is designed to have easier login and log off, to make it easier for the Facebook lite users who share the same device to access their Fb accounts to have easy time. The new features has gained popularity and everyone wants to have made the users to remain active for long and get updated on the new things that are happening on Facebook.

Where to Get Facebook Lite App?

After the launching of the new Facebook Lite app, it has gained popularity and everyone wants to have it. Some individual doesn’t know how to go about it while others connect to Facebook using devices that are not supported by android. For you to get connected on the new Facebook app, you are required to have an android device starting from version 2.3 and above. Facebook Lite app is downloaded from Google play store. Download and install the app on your device for the easier connectivity. After downloading the new app, it becomes consistent and you can easily log in or log out your account.

New Facebook App


Facebook is the largest media platform with many users. It gives access to sharing and interacting with others despite the distance. However, many individuals were not able to fully enjoy Fb sharing due to low internet connections. This made Facebook to come up with a more modified app to help the users from low internet band width zone to connect and share with others. The new app uses less data charges and it is very fast even when you have limited internet access.

This new app has gained popularity and has spread even to the countries with poor internet connections. Facebook lite app have modified features such as comment, like and post sharing. This has drawn the interest of many users, making the number of new app users to go up. This new app is highly modified and it makes it easier for the users who share devices to access their accounts. It is very fast in logging in and logging out and a single device can be used by many users on different accounts. To get the new Facebook app, you must have an android device with version 2.3 and above. The new Facebook app is downloaded from the Google play store and installed in your device.