Rebuilding Hoverboard: Is It Possible With Cuban’s Moov Rideable?

This was once an interesting and very potential market to have partaken in; that is in the last two years. At the moment, the market for this specific technological advancement and invention has greatly dropped. However, Mark Cuban of Radical

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Slim And Modular Wi-Fi Home Security Camera By Logitech

Logitech are known makers of computer accessory who come up with seemingly ever king of imaginable products. It is giving its Logi Circle home Wi-Fi connected security camera a full overhaul. This home connected security camera is meant to be

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Samsung Launches Its Splendid and Weird Stretchable Screen

Samsung Display revealed its stretchable touchscreen during a conference in display technology that was hosted by the SID (Society for Information Display) that took place in Los Angeles this week. This is the world’s first stretchable screen that is completely

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Why Vaping Is Not As Secure As You Thought It Was?

Technological advancements and growth is something that continues to intrigue many people. Technological industries are taking steps, developing new technologies and launching others. However, with improved technologies, security and confidentiality of information placed and used through the technologies also require

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The Innovative Selfie Technique that is meant to Turn You into Bronze Figure

This is a new animation skill that is responsible for making selfies more interesting. As selfies filters have become boring, this technique offers the exciting ways to help you enjoy taking selfies for your own pleasure. It uses modern technology

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Popular Football Names Opting For 3D Scanning Tech For Head Gear

Helmets play an important role in a football game as it makes it safer. Therefore, the makers of these helmets are looking forward to making better helmets through the new process. This will help them come with helmets that are

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LG V30 to Feature a Secondary Slide-Out Screen

Back in time, we carried around “ordinary” cell phones and all manufacturers competed to make the smaller one. Big phones were referred to as bricks. Nowadays, we use smartphones and manufacturers compete again. This time, they want to make bigger

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Pop-Up Beach Mat a Loyal Friend for Summer Days at Sandy Shores

Summer is almost here and you know what that means; you’ll be heading to the beach whenever you can. Nothing compares to those carefree moments when you’re sunbathing while reading a book or just listening to the sounds of the

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Google Launches GIF Maker to Report Data in a Fun Way

If your job revolves around writing high-quality content, then you already know how demanding it can be to include data that page visitors will still read. Regardless of how interesting some subject is, percentages, surveys, and other data can still

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Solve Your Rainy Days Problem With A One-Touch Umbrella

How many times did it happen to you that you go out on a rainy day to buy something, take an umbrella, and yet, get back home soaking wet? It happens to me a lot, and it annoys me! I

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