A Solution is Coming for Chrome and RAM Toxic Relationship

The relationship between Chrome and RAM is not one of the best. The love for RAM by Chrome is very toxic that it destroys laptops and their battery life. Moreover, it makes laptops sluggish, and this frustrates users. However, there

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Apple Claims that the iPad Pro is a Replacement for Laptop

Apple launched the iPad Pro, a plus-sized tablet, towards the end of 2016 and the tech giant is marketing the product as the perfect replacement for laptop. Going by the company’s latest TV commercial for the iPad Pro, the company

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Google Continues to Make New Chromebook Pixel but You can’t Buy One

Google introduced Chrome operating systems for laptops and desktops, but it was disposable and not interchangeable. They promised to make a new model, which will be more modified on internet, power, and storage. The new pixel model is made of

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In Nintendo’s History Switch is the Fastest-Selling Game Console

Nintendo has launched a new console known as the Switch and barely three days from its release, it has already shown a remarkable start when it comes to sales. As a matter of fact, the Switch is arguably the company’s

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The Long Awaited VR Game Seems to be the Oculus Rift’s ‘Robo Recall’

Oculus Rift’s Robo Recall game is the most polished virtual reality gaming to date. The game is sophisticated and well designed. It is developed exclusively for Oculus Rift and features the Oculus touch controllers. It is designed in a way

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Pulse: Twitch’s Very Own News Feed for Its Gamers

Media always has a simplified yet influencing capability to the public and all the people in general. The passage of time has seen the development and growth of social media, which has continued to increase in popularity and usage. Today,

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Don’t Expect a Dislike Button on Facebook Any Time Soon

For many years, Facebook users around the globe have wished for a dislike button on one of the largest social media platform. However, it appears Mark Zuckerberg is still not for the idea. Despite the Facebook CEO insisting that the

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Google Allo Lost Popularity in the Smartphones Market

Social media has always been a boost for many companies. This results from the entertainment features and the conversational platforms that are awarded the users. However, popularity isn’t a guarantee and many people tend to take advantage of that. Google

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Google and Microsoft to Bring Down Piracy Sites

In what can be called an agreement of its kind, the two US tech giants, Google and Microsoft have signed an agreement that will see a major crackdown on pirated content within their search engines. This comes amidst immense pressure

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Entertainment and Games Top in Users Expenditure on Apps in 2016

Technological advancement has seen growth in both users and apps presented and or launched into the market are at par or as required. This is because the technology industry is highly competitive. Furthermore, making sales is dependent on how the

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