Samsung Gear VR Headset Refresh could come with a Dedicated Controller

Samsung ventured into the business of virtual reality in the September of 2015 with its Gear VR. Overtime, the company has continued to give its customers improved virtual reality experience. Recently, the Samsung Gear VR introduced new features such as

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Android’s Fighting Games: The Best of Them All

Just the other day, smart phones were introduced into the market, and the world of games took a turn for the better. Today, this type of advancement and growth continues to grow and develop with every passing minute. The games

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Stalkscan and Data Selfie are the Two Creepiest Facebook Tools

Facebook is currently among the top-rated and popular social media platform. This can be attributed to the easy user ability and the quick joining process. However, this is a potential security threat to many users. Especially now that it allows

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‘LiquidGlass’ Technology Promises to Make Your Phone Screen

Smartphones have fragile screens that are prone to destruction. It is important to protect the phone display in a way that it will not break or have scratches mainly by adding a protector on it. The article introduces powerful goo

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The New Facebook Lite App Have Reached Over 200 Million Users

Facebook launched a new app aimed at helping users with low internet connections to enjoy their social connections with others. The majority of people were not aware of the new app until when it was launched. It became the fastest

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A New Version of Facebook’s Weather App

Here comes new Facebook weather app that allows you to view the full weather forecast in your mobile or desktop site. Facebook are rolling out the new feature to replace its earlier app of weather greetings. The new feature is

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Nokia Ventures into Carrier Software by Acquiring Comptel on $370M

Nokia was once one of the leading technological entities in reference to making handsets or mobile phones. However, as time passed by, others bypassed it with the new inventions and innovations made on the same. These include Google who came

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The Griff 300 Mega-Drone

Drones have become a useful part of our modern day life; thanks to the fast developing technology that is not only transforming the way scientific research is done but also how they are used to improve life. These flying machines

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Enjoy the First Skydive and Mountain Scenery on Google Street View

Adventure is a taste that can be acquired or inborn. For many of us, it is acquired and demonstrated in the need to travel to exotic or remote places where we try to conquer the challenges that nature puts before

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Snapchat Picks London to be its Headquarters Despite Brexit

Snapchat is planning to make London its headquarters for international operations. This comes at a time when Britain voted to exit the European Union. The move by the messaging app delivers an additional vote of confidence in the tech standings

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