WhatsApp has officially announced to introduce new tools in their app to enable the user to edit photos, be able to write, and draw emojis on your videos and pictures. The new advanced app will enable the tools to automatically appear on the display when you take a new video or photos, or when you share the videos and photos that exist on your phone. There will also an enhancement in the app camera. The camera will support a flash facing the front or auto adjust the light according to the surrounding, this will make it easier to take selfies even when there is no enough light or during at night.
Double tapping on your screen when taking photos, will lead to a switch between rear and front camera. An up or down slide of your finger when taking photos will make it possible to zoom when recording videos. The new features on the camera will apply on android phones only. The unique features are fun and intriguing and it made WhatsApp to be interested in how they can add flavor on the current features. This made WhatsApp to adopt and modify what initially was seen in snapchat only.
How to Edit Videos or Photos?
Modifying videos and photos by adding emojis, writings, and another modification adds weight to the message and the recipients interprets it with the heaviness it is carrying. You can decide to add colored or plain writings, emoji, or insert photo before sharing it. The newly updated WhatsApp app enables you to either capture a new photo or use an existing one. Just like the snapchat does. To edit videos and photos, take a caption of new photos or use the already saved ones on your gallery. Tap the pen like tool located on the top of right hand corner. The gray part on the bottom of color palette will select a tool which will make some image parts to turn black and white. You can also make an addition of different fonts and insert emojis by having a touch on the smiley face displayed on your screen top. Zoom in and out to adjust the size of emoji to the one that you desire. You can use your fingers to make the drawing and writing of choice on the photos. Your photo is now modified and ready for sharing. When editing photos you can chose a natural background or the one that suits you.
Sharing of Edited Videos and Photos
A recent technology on this app has enabled the extension limit of participants in a WhatsApp group from 100 to 256 users. This will enable wider sharing of information. WhatsApp new update will now enable you to share your information and messages with the mother company Facebook. When you share any information in a group each participant receives a message and conversation may arise from the information shared. A recent update makes it possible to tag users in different conversation through typing their names on the concerned message. The edited photo or video will reach the recipient in the form that you have modified it. With this new innovation you can be able to highlight and make a selection of users from the list of contacts. You can also add the caption sites in the pictures. Drawing on the pictures may be through your fingers or using an automatic icon.
How to get the new WhatsApp App?
This advanced new feature is now made available in the google app store. Your device must be able to support app store. All you need to get the update is to visit the google app store and select in the recent apps of communication. A number of WhatsApp version and other communication platforms will appear on your phone. Select on the recent update of WhatsApp version and follow the instructions for it to be fully installed on your device. The new features will update automatically upon accepting terms and conditions. This new update will also be available for an automatic update on your device when you renew the existing old version. This will make chats more fun as you can add funny quotes and obstruct any unpleasant information. You can also hide any information that you don’t want to share with the public.
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WhatsApp has brought in more fun in Android users. An unpleasant photo can now easily be modified to alter the possible interpretation from the recipients. The ability of WhatsApp camera to adjust from rear to front camera have made it possible for the user to capture photos at his convenience. The upgrade has made it possible to capture high-quality photos by adjusting the amount of light on the camera. Zoom in and out have also impacted on the quality of the captured photos. This upgrade has copied the snapchat and is beating many other social media platforms. You can now add more weight to the media shared with others through an addition of writings, emojis, or adding another photo. These unique features are not new, they have been made popular by snapchat and other platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook adopted them.
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