Artificial intelligence has been making news with each passing day. The advancement in artificial intelligence, the development of interactive interface or platform enabling communication to and from a virtual person is now becoming a reality. With the launch and release of the Google Pixel phone that runs the Google assistant and the recent launch of Siri, the possibilities have increased. However, there are limitations to each make but Google Assistant tops the charts in relation to its operations and user friendliness. Here are some of the reasons why Google Assistant is preferred and more appreciated in relation to Siri.
1. Comprehension
Many of the developed interactive interfaces have limitations of their own including language comprehension. Imagine an assistant that does not understand the language or comprehend a word you are saying. Some of these interfaces make you repeat your query, sentence or inquiry several times before offering you an answer. This is due to the different accents and difference in people speaking the language especially if they are not native speakers.
Google Assistant perfectly comprehends the English language with minimal hiccups. It has the ability to catch up with a conversation even when the query is stopped midway and changed. In addition, it incorporates different languages but for now, English and Hindu are the only languages that have been activated. Siri has difficulty recognizing certain English words or phrases. People with strong accents also have a difficult time while using Siri.
2. Excellent Answers
Using the voice-activated search for different locations, things or items is one of the most valuable characteristics in an artificial intelligence platform. While using Google assistant, the possibility of identifying factual information in any subject has increased. This is because you are using your search engine Google, whenever you present a query to Google assistant. In addition, the learning capability of Google assistant platform makes it essential in understanding complicated requests not programmed to it, unlike Siri.
3. Universal Translator Capabilities
Translating a language makes it easier to interact with people from different parts of the world. However, typing is never an enjoyable thing for many users. Therefore the incorporation of the sound or voice key to conduct searches through the Google assistant is amazing and an added plus over Siri. Translating with Google assistant requires you to input the sentence, phrase or word to be translated and issuing a translate command. Immediately, a feedback will be offered almost in real time.
4. YouTube Navigation
YouTube has many results in a single search and sometimes finding what you want can take quite a long time. It is fundamental to find the right video with the first search. Google assistant allows you to have this privilege of finding the needed video immediately with only one initial search. Furthermore, Google Assistant is precise in the results generated and it gives you the exact video you asked for. With Siri, you might be disappointed with its hearing capacity, which creates confusion in the results garnered. However, Siri has access to iTunes and can open it if a customer requires a video stored in it.
5. Event Alerts
It is quite difficult to find activities you like in a town on your own. Furthermore, people now disregard and hate spending their time and resources looking for new areas to spend your time. Google assistant comes in handy whenever you are conducting a search for a favorite spot or space. It is essential in finding different things, illuminates their location and indicates their availability in relation to time. It also regularly gives updates on emergent activities, events, or alerts on sales or promotions. Siri, on the other hand is not that efficient and its searches are only done through Bing. This limits the information awarded.
6. App Search
Google assistant has the ability to learn and use available information in the right context. In addition, it can search for related and interrelated information in regards to different subjects. The context of the information includes images, videos, scholarly materials, other links and many more context avenues. This makes it the center for information including app search especially on Google store, Google Now, etc. Siri, does have the learning capability, however, information lacks context in every level.
7. Taking Selfies
Personal images including photos with friends, family, and colleagues have become an increasingly part of every individual’s pastime. The social media platforms, for example, can be used to assess the number of photos that an individual takes in a day week or month. This is because it will depict the increasing trend of selfies and other types of photos. Google assistant offers you the possibility of taking a photo and being included in it including selfies. It has a three-second timer that allows you to be included in the photo before it takes the picture or selfie. Siri has no timer and therefore, you have to take the pictures yourself which means, in some cases you won’t be in the pictures and such a memory will be lost to you.
Google Assistant evidently is the best artificial intelligent platform so far developed. Siri is faced with many difficulties that the Google Assistant streamlines and conducts seamlessly.
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