The LG V20 is poised to make a debut in the next few days. As its launch draws near, there has been increasing rumors and even leaks online regarding the handset. The device, which is to succeed the LG V10, will be the very first smartphone to be powered by android’s latest operating system, Android 7.0 Nougat. As at 24th August, new renders of the device had leaked online. These revealed that the device will have a metal body and a dual camera on the phone’s back.
The leaked image of the handset came courtesy of Petra, which is a distributor of electronic accessories. The images posted by the company showed the rugged case housing the forthcoming LG V20, and displayed the handset clearly. There exists a strong possibility that the renders leaked are genuine due to the fact that case markers normally get the generic 3D dimensions, as well as images of any upcoming android device even before its release. This particular process allows the 3rd party accessory maker have enough time to produce the case in sufficient time for the launch of the device. A shortcoming of this system however, is the fact that a smartphone’s design tends to get leaked even before its official disclosure.
By looking at the recent leaked renders, one would safely assume that the case definitely is for the LG V20. On 9th of August, @Onleaks in collaboration with Android Authority leaked an image that surfaced online. The leak happened to be of the handset, which matches the current renders.
LG V20 will have similarities to the LG G5, which was announced earlier this year. It has a button on the right side just as in the G5. The render shows a bottom removable module part and a dual camera setup like the G5. The main difference between the two is the camera, which in the V20 shows a more significant hump.
According to Android Authority, the phone will have a thickness of 8.8mm at the camera hump but overall it’ll be 7.7 mm thick. It is reported that the handset is 78.1mm wide and 159.5mm long.
The render of the LG V20, which was listed on Petra show, demonstrates the presence of a dual camera setup, a secondary display and a speaker grill. It also gives a glance into what possibly could be the camera’s shutter button as well as a fingerprint scanner at the back of the handset, which may also double up to a rear power button.
The front of LG V20 will retain the secondary display (a thicker tape above the primary display) just as the V10. The ticker display seems shifted over towards the right side and above the screen. However, there is only one secondary front-facing camera, which is on the far left. There’s no doubt on LG’s favor for modular design and dual rear cameras. The two cameras appearing on the back of the V20 probably is yet another standard together with a wide-angle setup as is in the LG G5. Similarly to the G5, LG V20’s cameras are built in a long window. The V20’s button layout is also in line with the LG G5. The volume rocker seems to have been moved by LG to the left of the device.
The LG V20’s cover is listed as a clear modification of the Elsa Jewel’s LG V20 case from Ballistic. The description about the case notes that the device is sleek and slim making it very portable. In addition, it features raised corners and lips that are meant to protect it from scratches, drops and shock from the surface.
Device Specifications
Even though the exact specifications of the LG V20 are still not fully known, Android Authority has made claims that the device may feature a 5.7-inch screen display and a Quad HD resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. It will run on a Snapdragon 820 chipset Quad-core Processor at 2.2GHz and a RAM of 4GB. The handset will have a storage space of 64 GB that is expandable up to 256 GB. The LG V20 will as well adopt a USB-C charger, which is the standard among most current smartphones.
It is anticipated to have a 21 Megapixel dual-camera on the backside and an 8 Megapixel secondary camera. The phone will house a large battery of 4,000 mAh, and for even a better audio experience, it will come endowed with a 32-bit Quad DAC.
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Device Launch
LG has confirmed that the gadget is set for debut in San Francisco, California on the 6th of September 2016. As its official launch looms, images of the device have been widely shared. The LG V20 resembles the LG G5 a lot even with the modular removable chin.
Details regarding the LG V20 haven’t been made official yet, so we cannot approve the accuracy of the renders at this point in time. More leaks will probably come up the closer we get to the device’s official launch, which will be in a few days. The phone definitely will be a huge step by LG and it is important they won’t muck up.
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