NSA Planned to Hack into Google’s and Samsung’s App Stores

NSA Planned to Hack into Google’s and Samsung’s App Stores

Do you remember Edward Snowden, the former NSA worker and whistleblower currently? Of course, you do, since he has shared tons of documents and information about the NSA’s and other US agencies plans and deeds. Now, he has a new information for us, which is about a topic that is pretty close to us. The latest plan of NSA is to hack into Google’s and Samsung’s application stores and put malware in several apps to track down people. This is a quite interesting topic to write about, let’s continue to the next paragraph to discuss the details.

NSA to Track People Down

The NSA has done several things that would hurt several person’s privacy rights. I bet you remember when they have planned bugs into several world leader’s room to listen to them what they say, what they are talking about to learn their plans and views on several political things. The NSA has spied on most European countries’ leaders, including Angela Merkel, the prime minister of Germany, one of the most influential persons in the European Union. This scandal has driven international focus on the NSA when the whistleblower and former NSA worker, Edward Snowden has released details and documents about the surveillance of the European country leaders to the press.

NSA to Track People Down

It is a thing that the NSA has spied on ministers and presidents and many important people, however, it is a quite revolting thing that they are planning to spy on us, normal people. If they have done this within the instance of laws with legal methods, it wouldn’t be so great, however, I wouldn’t object. But with this illegal method, planning to hack into two of the major software developers’ application store, which is like breaking into a store, and planning to put malware into the applications that have been uploaded on the websites’ of these companies. This could mean a bigger scandal than the one with the world leaders. Why do I say that? Because the US Government is not only spying on persons who are high-value targets, but they are spying on normal, ordinary people who just want to live their lives and not to be bothered by authorities.

Most people respect the privacy of others, I, personally respect privacy too. Privacy is a part of a human’s freedom, the freedom to keep your own secrets and your own things to yourself. You don’t want to share every detail about yourself to strangers, do you? Of course, you don’t! However, when authorities are spying on ordinary people, a question is coming up in my mind: don’t they know that there are laws that are for the protection of each person’s that is living in the specified country or region, privacy? It would be great if agencies, which are mostly located in the US, would understand that people don’t want them to spy over them since most of them wants to just live their life. They have other problems to care for, like paying their tax, VAT, mortgage and rent to the government. They don’t want to be bothered with other things that are making them believe that they are not safe anymore.

The US Government was not the only one who has brought this plan to works. According to Edward Snowden, the NSA was working with governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. There was even a name for them too: The Five Eyes Alliance. I think this information that Snowden has released is correct and is not even close to being called fake, and we will see what the media will do with it.

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