Have you heard of Samsung pay? Or perhaps you think we already have enough ways to pay? In any case, Samsung Pay is a new service announced by Samsung that’s now getting closer to release, as an official date has now been set to launch the service.
Many years ago, we wouldn’t have thought of using mobile as a way to pay but now the reality is that smartphones are everywhere and that the trust of customers in these little devices has gone up. So, major players like Samsung and Apple, which have already announced their own service, are now going forward by offering ways to pay on the go. For many users, this will mean just one more thing that we were used to doing on the desktop PC transferring over to our pockets.
Proper Security and Little Changes Needed
Naturally, one of the main concerns would be security and Samsung is aiming to make its plan happen simply and without worry of information being stolen. Samsung’s new devices will be the first ones to get the service packaged with it, and among that selection we see the Note5 and S6 that are currently carrying the Samsung flag in terms of technology.
Despite the impressive feat of being able to pay with your phone, it seems that the locations around the world where this will be available won’t necessarily have to change their paying device, as some are already well set to take care of that mean of payment. Where you would usually swipe your card, the new Samsung Pay service would now allow you to do it with your phone. It might not stand as the primary way to pay just yet, but the option seems to be ready to use for a great number of merchants, and that without a change in equipment.
New Service Coming in September
September 28th is stated as the date when this service will come into play. As the opportunities grow, Samsung is aiming to pair their service with more major banks to enable clients to use the paying method everywhere. Samsung has already done so with Visa and Mastercard and is now aiming to continue growing this service to compete with Apple and their Apple Pay offering. Arguments concerning both ease of use and security will be going back and forth to determine which is the best service to use naturally, and Samsung is presenting a Magnetic Transmission System and the device now recreates the stripe that was being scanned on a credit card. A simple swipe seems to do the trick on this new service by Samsung. The service first unfolded successfully in Korea with most major banks being paired with the service.
Would you pay with your smartphone just yet? It seems that our phones are still being considered as something personal and perhaps that pulling out a smartphone at the counter can still be perceived as rude by some people. By with time, other customers could get the hint that you’re going to be about to pay when you do so. With time we grow with different habits when it comes to paying our goods and mobile payment seems to be the next trend at the moment. Speed doesn’t seem to be an issue and the objective of this new service is to make things simple and easy.
Fingerprints could also come into play when it comes to paying with a mobile device, as the latest models from various companies are now including this feature. The world of mobile phones seems to have accumulated enough tricks and features to guarantee a secure payment method without trouble when paying. In-person can then almost feel like an online transaction as another screen is used to display the information digitally, and no physical item is involved in the transaction, but you can still get your paper receipt just like you used to of course. The adaptation period might take a while but in the end, digital payment seems to be the next way of bringing things forward in the banking world. Major players are already coming into play as this announcement rolled out, and with the feature being put in the face of new customers of Samsung’s latest models, the trend could grow quickly.
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