Shortcut to Netflix

Shortcut to Netflix

Netflix is an American company that provides on-demand Internet streaming media to viewers across North America, South America, New Zealand, and Australia and some parts of Europe. The company was founded back in 1997 in California, and made u huge success. Over the years, it became the leading Internet television network and had gathered around 57 million members. They stream in nearly 50 countries throughout the world. They offer streaming of series, documentaries, and movies. All the members are allowed to watch as much as they wish, anytime, and anywhere by using nearly any Internet-connected screen. Users can easily pause the film at any given moment and resume watching anytime. All this of course without constant interruptions by annoying TV commercials.

Netflix has made a grand success, and now the time has come for all the TV producers in Europe to start building in buttons to their remote controls. These buttons will allow people to get access to this wonderful world of streaming.

A few well-known brands in Europe are all set for the integration of the Netflix button. For the first time in history, Europeans (except UK) will have these buttons added to their remotes. These buttons will be available on new TV sets, Blue-ray players and set-top boxes, which will be made by well-established brands such as Sony, Vestel, Toshiba, Panasonic and Phillips. The remote with added buttons will be available with models of 2015.

This new novelty will surely increase the number of members Netflix has, and increase its popularity even more. Watching Netflix will be easy and simple just like switching channels. The company has been looking to this for a long time now, and finally has succeeded. They managed to integrate their services within all the most common technology people use when they want to watch television. The company even launched a program that recommends TV’s that already have integrated buttons.


They are currently working on perfecting their service so that users could gain even easier access to Netflix. They are improving the navigation, speed, and performance.

Many people find Netflix to be their only and primary way of watching TV shows and films. Going through the menu and finding the right app every time you want to watch something can be annoying. The solution now comes in a form of a remote whit a Netflix button already built-in. These buttons are no news in America, but Europe will now have that luxury as well.

Partner such as Sony, Phillips, Toshiba and a few others, will certainly earn some great points with customers. That is just a beginning; the company is on a mission to work hand to hand with some of the greatest hardware producers and optimize their service for new subscribers.

This novelty will have some positive effects to the way people Watch TV. Netflix is a large and well reputable company with millions of users worldwide. Netflix truly is the king of streaming. They continue to be the first in their area of business and manage to wipe away their competition. The only company that had the success of getting a bit close to Netflix is Amazon. Netflix is the leader in North America with 35% share while Amazon is right behind Netflix with 2.6% share.

Amazon spent a lot of time trying to gain more people to its Amazon Prime service, which costs exactly $99 for one year’s use. Amazon tried to offer, and they still offer a quite big number of perks, such as free two-day shipping and much more.

As far as Europe is concerned, Netflix is the number one without a doubt. The new remote will have some new positive effects in the form of new users. The new move that Netflix has made will make the company more money and give more exposure.

We live in a digital era, and companies such as Netflix are very welcome. They make TV time more fun; they offer a vast variety of films, TV shows and more. The new remote control will be a great hit in Europe, and Netflix will remain to be the king of streaming. This wonderful company will provide its users hours and hours of entertainment and happy times.

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