Are Super Sized Tablets Products of The Future?

Are Super Sized Tablets Products of The Future?

Do you think the mobile world is getting a bit boring? You watch all the ads come through the mail and think the products are all too similar despite their technological enhancements? You should go check out the new rumored tablet created by Samsung that is actually 18 inches big. It’s been a while since we haven’t seen a new type of product that could disrupt things, and super sized tablets could be a concept that make you question how you organize things at home.

Is Such a Product Relevant?

The main question we need to ask ourselves is if such a product is really relevant. You might be asking yourself that question when seeing a tablet of that size. How does that change the dynamic in our living rooms? Is it worth anything at all? Tablets were really used to being our second screen when we watch TV but now they’re about to become the main ones with products like this. It remains to be seen if there’s really a market for something of this size and what the user will want to put aside in his or her home to include something like this.

Obviously, the big screen would be ideal to view content and be moved around quite easily, which at the same time makes it come closer to what the television world has been doing lately. Tvs, streaming devices and recorders that you can move around all around the home have been a trend as of late and big tablets could be the way to watch content dynamically in your household with something like this. For some people, it might be a welcomed change of pace or simply a device that can serve multiple purposes. Place the tablet wherever needed, and where the content will be best enjoyed… that’s probably more easily done with a tablet than a TV. The tablet had remained in our hands for now, but it could now have a dedicated spot in our homes if things work this way.

Then, when it comes to downsides, tablets will obviously be less focused on delivering the best viewing experience possible, and those looking for that cinema-like experience might be disappointed. Being mobile is great, but when you lose quality, such a tablet may end up as a last resort option or second TV in the kitchen.

Galaxy Tab

Will it Stay Around in The Long Run?

Huge tablets might trigger quite a reaction at first, but will they really stay around in the long run? This could be quite questionable. The name “tablet” is already associated with smaller products that allow you to work on the go, and this concept is quite falling in between many other existing devices. But nonetheless, if people get into a habit with these, there could be a trend forming. At least, this supersized tablet concept is seeing some buzz around the web without even being widely available yet, so that’s a strong sign already. Previous gadgets that rather failed such as 3D Tvs needed a major push to become accepted from the crowd, while this is triggering discussion with no marketing yet.

Compared to 3D Tvs, supersized tablets might be much closer to our reality and become products that are more easily accepted in our households. 3D Tvs changed our habits completely and had us rethink our whole nights with friends or family in front of the Tvs. Supersized tablets seem to have little downsides (besides image quality) and can quickly become a cool item to own. Our old Tvs in the kitchen might have a lot of history, but they’re far from being really cool items. Replacing your old device with a brand new supersized tablet could bring new life to your room. That room could also be the bedroom with plenty of setups and furniture being too crowded or inadequate for full-size Tvs. Or, perhaps you wouldn’t want to keep such a big device in your bedroom anyway, so the supersized tablet could be your best choice if you want something that can be moved around easily.

Supersized tablets could be a big thing in 2016 if they become a reality, but it will come down to families and individuals who will decide to make a switch in their habits or not. Does such a tablet perform well under the sunlight if the kitchen lets plenty of light inside like it’s often the case? Will it feel like a lackluster viewing experience? For the moment, excitement is what is driving the discussion around the web and early “fans” will have the patience for all the details to be worked out, as well as the competition to prepare some kind of response to Samsung’s concept.

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